Di Indonesia jaringan nirkabel digunakan
untuk menangani hampir seluruh aktivitas internet, padahal daya
tampungnya yang lebih kecil dari jaringan fixed lined bisa membuat kongesti (kelebihan beban) lebih mudah terjadi.
Saat ini, ikatakan bahwa 95 persen koneksi internet Indonesia
ditangani oleh jaringan nirkabel. Padahal jaringan nirkabel tersebut
memiliki daya tampung hanya sepertiga fixed line (kabel).
“Wireless itu daya tampungnya sepertiga fixed line (kabel), kalau fisik bisa 5 Mb dan idealnya bahkan bisa mencapai 20 Mb. Bahkan Telkom sudah merencanakan yang bisa mencapai 50 Mb,” terang Setyanto P. Santosa, Selasa (21/2/2012).
Selain perkara daya tampung tersebut, menurut Setyanto, mestinya komposisi antara jaringan nirkabel dengan fixed line adalah 40 persen berbanding 60 persen. “Coba saja buka internet dengan handphone Anda, koneksinya pasti lambat dan sulit mengakses gambar,” tandasnya.
Bila membandingkan diri ke negara lain, pembangunan infrastruktur internet di Indonesia bisa dikatakan terbalik. Negara-negara lain seperti Singapura, Malaysia, atau Australia sudah selesai membangun infrastruktur fisik, baru kemudian masuk mobile internet. Indonesia sebaliknya, sebelum infrastruktur fisik selesai dibangun sudah masuk mobile internet.
Ditambah lagi, setelah masuknya mobile internet kemudian datang 3G. Jaringan 3G semakin memudahkan akses internet lewat perangkat bergerak. Dan karena di rumah-rumah tidak tersedia jaringan kabel (fixed line), akses dari sana pun dilakukan lewat nirkabel atau ponsel genggam. Banyaknya akses ini membuat jaringan nirkabel congested (kelebihan beban).
‘Wireless Network Not Suitable for Large Data’
In Indonesia, the wireless network is used to handle almost all
internet activity, but its capacity is smaller than the fixed lined
networks could create congestion (excess burden) is more apt to occur.Currently, ikatakan that 95 percent of Indonesia internet connection is handled by the wireless network. Though the wireless network has a capacity of only about a third fixed line (cable).
“Wireless is the accommodation a third fixed line (cable), if physically able 5 Mb and ideally could even reach 20 Mb. Fact that Telkom had planned to reach 50 Mb,” said Setyanto P. Santosa, when contacted Legal via phone on Tuesday (21/02/2012).
In addition to the capacity of the case, according to Setyanto, the composition should be between a wireless network with a fixed line is 40 percent to 60 percent. “Try and open the internet with your phone, the connection must be slow and difficult to access the pictures,” he said.
When comparing ourselves to other countries, the development of internet infrastructure in Indonesia can be said to be inverted. Other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, or Australia are finished building the physical infrastructure, and then enter the mobile internet. Indonesian vice versa, before the completion of physical infrastructure have entered the mobile internet.
Plus, after the entry of 3G mobile internet and come up. 3G networks further facilitate access to the Internet via mobile devices. And because the houses are not wired network (fixed line), the access of it was done via a wireless or mobile phones. The number of wireless network access makes congested (overloaded).
Sumber |okezone
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